A treasure of ancient Scottish melodies unearthed by Bonnie Rideout while in residence at Scotland's Armadale castle on the Isle of Skye. These rare tunes from the North Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland (from The Patrick McDonald Collection) are performed in elegant classical style on fiddle, with piano and guitar. Includes haunting airs, lively reels and a virtuosic lament in the "Pibroch" Highland bagpipe style. (55:13 minutes)
"She transforms a lonely melody into utter desolation...then effortlessly switches gears from languorous ballad to virtuosic exercise. "
- The Washington Post
"Bonnie reveals a true empathy and love for the wild and gentle moods of Gaelic music."
- Folk Roots
Tune List
- The Seagulls of Scarba / How I Passed the Winter / Fair John's Sister / St. Kilda Dance (4:17)
- Oh, 'Tis Me That is Wounded / Lament for Clan Raland (2:36)
- They Stole My Wife From Me Last Night (2:16)
- Sad Is My Soul / A Doo-a-dee I Went / The Battery Rock / The Red Brook (2:26)
- My Sleep is heavy / One Day I Traveled the Moor (3:16)
- Dargo (2:48)
- Soft May Morn / Islay and Kintyre / Early on a May Morning(2:27)
- Joyful is the Crossing / Gloom Upon My Soul / Och o ro u (3:18)
- The Vale of Keppoch / Clay Port (3:49)
- Lord Reay / Ha-da-lolal / The Lad's Cairn / Hobgoblin / Gruagach (2:33)
- Rocks of the Peak / The Maid of Edin (3:05)
- Cold Night / Shriks and Cries of Woe / Noon in the Deep Blue Sky (3:33)
- The Man of Corrie / My Love is Fixed in Donald (2:51)
- I Am a Thrush of Clan Donald / My Sleep is Sound (4:37)
- Brown-Haired Maiden of the Goats / The Tower / Beloved Little Sister / Neither Shall I Go to Loch Broom (1:54)
- McIntosh's Lament (8:39)

- The Seagull of Scarba/How I Passed the Winter/Fair John's Sister Bonnie Rideout 1:37
- Oh, 'Tis Me That is Wounded/Lament for Clan Ranald Bonnie Rideout 1:15